Serving as a vital mental health support app for mothers during the postnatal period, a time that can be filled with feelings of loneliness and overwhelm. Offering a constant digital companion, Motherglow ensures that amidst the chaos, mums have the support they need to prioritize their own well-being.
Brand Identity I UX Design I Illustration
Motherglow recognises that time is limited for new mums. The home screen first asks how much time users have, then tailors resources accordingly. Daytime materials focus on well-being, offering quick activities like yoga or mindfulness to provide some much-needed 'me' time.
From 9pm to 6am, mums are directed to a night mode home screen with tailored content designed for the quiet, lonely hours.
The forum is especially helpful during nighttime feedings. It allows mums to chat and interact with others in real time.
Project Development
The primary challenge of this project was determining the most effective output for the target audience, considering what would best support them. Venturing into UX design required careful consideration of both content development and design aspects.